Sunday, 30 September 2007
Job Situation
Also I have been excepted in being a mystery shopper. Once again I don't expect this to be a huge money winner however with everything else I am trying to tie up, the surveys, comps and now this (the web based internet marketing a side) if I ca clear £100 ($200) a month per item I will be happy.
I will give you the results tomorrow on this meeting.
Thursday, 27 September 2007
Job Situation
I should know tomorrow if there will be any movement.
On the working from home front I am seriously looking at being a mystery shopper . Although It doesn't bring in much if I'm lucky anything from $60-$200 (£30-£100) per month. I see this a part of my multiple income streams.
Oh well roll on tomorrow and lets see what awaits.
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
Blogging is a concept that started in late 90s. It used to be a way to comment an existing webpage, an opportunity for visitors and readers to react or voice out one’s opinion on the said page. What started as a single-sentence commentary has evolved into pages of personal take on just about anything and everything under the sun. As it continues to move forward, online advertising has tapped into the blog’s potential. Here are 5 reasons why you should use blogging as an Internet marketing tool.
1.Blogging is simple. The simplest way to get your piece on the net is through blogging. No skills are necessary… an average adult can read and type, or at least click a mouse. It’s like having a virtual piece of paper and you just write your ideas, experiences, new products, and hope that the truth behind your articles comes out and entice your reader to also try your product. If you have a PC and an Internet connection (who doesn’t?) then you can blog and advertise.
2. Blogging is authentic. In this day and age where advertising saturate our lives, we question the credibility of promoters’ claims. However, in blogs, real people share their real-life experiences, unscathed by paid advertising. Reading blogs about first-hand product use is like talking to people about their first-hand experience. You definitely want to buy a tried and tested product.
3. Blogging is free. Because blogging is yet to be proven as a mainstream online advertising media, most sites see it as something to augment current marketing tools and thus offer it for free. Any opportunity for free webtime is definitely a bonus especially to businesses that are starting up. Needless to say, paid blog pages can generate more income for your seriously growing business.
4. Blogging builds credibility. As you get more and more into writing your experiences on a particular product or industry, your readers come to realize that they can depend on your posts for their own information needs. As such, you become an expert on it; as a consequence, more readers visit your site and more bloggers link to your blogs. As companies and professional organizations notice the growth of your readership base, they may soon get in touch with you for advertising on your blog page, or make you an affiliate, which pays for every referral generated from your blog site.
5. Blogging builds your market. Unless you are a Hollywood star, chances are, only your Mom reads your posts. Mom has a lot of friends, so she lets her friends know how interesting your blog site is. But you need not depend on Mom to increase your readership base. Look into the following ways to build your market through blogging:
-By using your e-mail. Today, blogging is overcoming the e-mail’s popularity in quickly and effectively reaching and expanding a market. In this age of speed and quick access, logging in and downloading e-mail is simply taking longer than clicking into a blog site. Let them explore your site by using a short e-mail message as teaser to your blog site. If your e-mail is on an entirely different subject, use your e-mail signature to give a link to the site.
-By using subscription. An easy way to get your readers e-mail is to give them an opportunity to subscribe to your blogsite. Keep some exclusive information for your subscribers to entice readers to subscribe and give their e-mail address. Just be responsible in using their e-mail address, as the last thing you want is a comment on your blog that you are a spammer.
-By understanding your readers. Conduct a simple survey for your readers to understand their profile and advertising preferences. Ask consumers to give you feedback on a post, an ad link, or a trial that you shared. In this way, it is like interviewing your readers without the commitment and intrusion of a face-to-face interview.
-By joining a blog network –A network of blogs maybe a collection of blog sites that share the same industry, interest, readership base, payment mode, etc. Consumers find credibility and convenience in clicking one link to several real bloggers about a single subject. Clearly, more bloggers are better than one.
-By using RSS. RSS is the fastest growing technology on the Internet today. As such, having RSS feeds to your blog is definitely another means of generating awareness for your readership base. Having a variety of feeds can add interest to your blog site.
Give your business a boost by effectively using blogging as an Internet marketing tool.
Monday, 24 September 2007
Job Front
I thought I had a job in the bag. Not the job that would keep me there for say 5 years but something that would give me more salary taxing to a degree and would enable me to undertake a training course that would just maybe lead to better things if everything worked out.
The today I found once again the goal posts have moved. I will speak to the union asap to find out what there feeling are.
With all the problems in finding me another position instead of me doing 2 weeks here and 2 weeks there. they would just place me in position that I would except for a period say of 6-18 months. Therefore getting me off the redeployment register well until this extended placement would be completed.
Well the answer to that seems to be no!!.
Saturday, 22 September 2007
How do you maximize your site?
By earning some few dollars per click from displaying Adsense ads on it. Many are now realizing that good money is made from this source of revenue. Try the simple mathematical computation of multiplying those clicks for every page on your website and you get a summation of earnings equivalent to a monthly residual income with that little effort you have made.
Google Adsense is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display relevant and text-based Google ads on their website’s content pages and earn money in the process. The ads displayed are related to what your users are looking for on your site. This is the main reason why you both can monetize and enhance your content pages using Adsense.
How much you will be earning will depend on how much the advertisers are willing to pay. It will depend also on the keywords required. If the keywords the advertiser have chosen are in high demand, you could receive more dollars per click. On the other hand, low demand keywords will earn you just a few cents per click.
How can you start making profits out of your website using Adsense?
1. Sign up for an Adsense account. It will only take a few minutes of your time.
2. When the site is accepted, you will be receiving a clip code to include in your web pages. You can insert this code on as many pages or web sites that you want. The AdWords will start appearing immediately after.
3. You will be earning a few cents or some dollars per click when someone starts clicking on the AdWords displayed on any of your web pages. Trying to earn false revenues by repetitively clicking on your own ads is a no-no. This will result in a penalty or the possibility of your site being eliminated. The money you have already earned may be lost because of this.
4. View your statistics. Adsense earnings can be checked anytime by logging into your web site account.
Once you got your account working, you may still want to pattern them to the many sites that are earning more money than you are. It is important to note that there are factors affecting how your website will perform and the amount of money it will give you.
It is a common practice that when a site earning money, the tendency is for the owner to want to make more out of what they are getting already. It usually takes some time combined with trial and error to attain what you want for your Adsense contents.
Time and some important factors that you can practice and use.
How do you increase your Adsense earnings?
1. Choose one topic per page. It is best to write a content for your page with just a few targeted phrases. The search engine will then serve ads that are more relevant which will then result in higher clickthoughs.
2. Using white space around your ad. This can make your ad stand out from the rest of your page so visitors can spot them easily. There are also other choices of colors you can use, provided by search engines, which can harmonize the color of your ad with the web page color.
3. Test your ad placement. It is recommended to use the vertical format that runs down the side of the web page to get more positive results. You can also try both horizontal and vertical formats for a certain period of time to see which one will give you better results.
4. More content-based pages. Widen the theme of your website by creating pages that focus more on your keyword phrases. This will optimize the pages for the search engines. It can not only attract traffic but also make them more relevant for the AdWords to be displayed.
5. Site Build It. This is the perfect tool to be used for creating lots of Adsense revenues. Site Build It has all the tools necessary to quickly achieve a keyword-rich site that can rank high in the search engines. This will also produce a flow of traffic to your site of highly targeted visitors.
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
I met two old friends at lunch in both instances I was telling them about what has happened to me and they were shocked. However I am getting use to that now. But I can't seem to get first base with the management.
One of my friends said that there should be a job available in his section at a higher grade that should suit me. It's bound to be deleted before I get a chance to apply for it. Oh no negative thoughts must be positive.
Also tonight I signed up to blogrush.
Why don't you give it a go!
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
Joint Ventures - The Secret to Fast Internet Marketing Success
Joint Ventures - The Secret to Fast Internet Marketing Success
There is little doubt that the fastest way to launch a website, product, or service is through a joint venture. Search engines, ppc, or traditional advertising does not have the effect or speed with which you can launch a site that a well management joint venture campaign will bring you. But for the uninitiated, joint ventures are a foreign language. Knowing how to approach others, how to begin networking, and how to get your name known is extremely difficult.
Monday, 17 September 2007
Job Situation
One point that constantly came up was having a new CV and testing the water. After years of working in anon for profit organization it will be scary. However after speaking to a friend who is a HR manager. I will meet him next week to draw a new one up.
I am slowly getting back on track with all my other projects.
Saturday, 15 September 2007
further frustrations
My further frustrations of an internet marketer newb.
These are the following that I constantly question whenever I download anything.
Is it signed off by a name? If not, it could be
suspicious. Every good operator will sign off the
latter with an individual name.
Can you see the company details? There should
be a registered address and a publisher's name.
If not, don't send any money.
Is the money promise unrealistic? Any
promotion that offers things like "£100,000 this
year' or "£1 million opportunity" I believe is lying.
Are the prospects realistic? Most decent
opportunities will make you between £100 a
week and £25,000 a year, part time. Full time
the figure could be as high as £80,000, but
you're not likely to go full time until you've made
it work part time, right? So keep this in mind
before you buy the Aston Martin in your mind.
Yes, ANY business can make you a millionaire -
I know people who are well on the way, but it
didn't happen overnight.
This one I have signed up to several or should I say numerous e-zines all saying that you can earn “x” amount. Others saying that you can earn “y” amount only after working as an internet marketer for 18 months to 2 years. These I believe more. As they seem more plausible to me.
Of course I mean no offence to anyone who has eared $200,000 (£100,000) in 6 months or shorter. But I feel that they are not painting a true picture. If I paid out $100 (£50) Would I be number 99 or 199 trying to earn money selling a niche that now has a saturated market.
Does the sales pitch offer specifics? By this I
mean does it have figures, dates, theories,
testimonials and ideas? If it's ONLY about how
you could live like a millionaire, end your money
worries, be your own boss - but nothing else,
then tread carefully.
I have to question the testimonials, once again no offence is intended, how valid are the testimonials as far as I can see these could have been typed up by the person themselves or their close friends.
They could have also signed up very after the release of this certain product and have course made money out of it. A lot of money out of it! However sometimes I wonder.
Is there an UNCONDITIONAL money back
guarantee? If not, no deal, no matter how big the
promise or how slick the pitch. If you're unsure,
phone the company or write to them to check
the offer.
Do you get enough time to trial it properly? If it's
a book or manual you need at least 28 days to
read it and see if it's for you. If it's a trading
opportunity, tipster or long-term course, then I
suggest that 2-3 months is a more realistic time
to check it.
Can you get a pro-rata refund? For 12-month
subscription products like newsletters and
tipping services, most good companies will
refund you even AFTER the trial period is over.
Not all your money, but some of it on a pro-rata
basis. Fleet Street Publications usually offer this,
for instance.
Is it fromanother foreign country? Fine if it's a one-off book,
download or manual, but be careful if it's a subscription or
long-term product, as they may not be able (or
willing) to deal with overseas customer service
and support. Also, you will find it harder to get
refunds from, or make complaints to, overseas
companies. I'd be careful with the
pricier stuff.
10. Is it saying you've won money? Then throw it
away or delete it. They're LYING to you.
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Job Situation
I have spoken to my union rep or should I say the one who is covering for my usual rep. That I will complete all the training however I am not sure if the job is the right one for me at the end.
On another positive I have found 2 positions advertise in the local press. At last something to go for.
My working from home has slowed right down at the moment because I have homework to do most nights. However I have signed up to become a mystery shopper. I don't know how much work I will get from it, but every little helps. It might also get me a few free meals or other freebies.
Sunday, 9 September 2007
New Job
The real positive is that I am not in a section that I was once the deputy and when I was on secondment I was in charge of the team undertaking the same style of work.
I'm not really apprehensive about my new challenge I just wish that the salary situation could be resolved and a positive conclusion can be reached concerning all aspects of my position with this company.
I am still looking at all aspects of internet marketing however as I have said in previous posts there is still movement however at a slower pace while I try to concentrate with the union to resolve the job situation.
Thursday, 6 September 2007
Job Situation
Well I receive correspondence from management saying that they are trying to arrange the move asap. OK so what's asap. For me I say I start by the end of the week or next week. The problem is my union rep is of on holiday until the 24 Sept. therefore I also think to management they will arrange the meeting for w/c 24.
So I couldn't move 3 weeks ago because members of the management team were on leave and now the union reps are off. Therefore if I move only on 1 Oct that would be 6 weeks that I could be learning new skills and competencies(although management and union both agree all skills and competencies are transferable) and more importantly receiving more salary.
Moving onto my internet working I have received $100 (£50) worth of adwords vouchers my eldest is going to work with me in setting up my PPC. Its something I have looked into however not having money to set it up this is a step in the right direction.