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Saturday, 23 February 2008

My link to my ebay shop

I have not had much time to keep abreast of everything lately sorry for that.

These are slowly improving I know is a old chestnut. Although if you do have time take alook at my ebay shop.

I have only opened it within the last 2 weeks so it is still work in progress. Please therefore be patient and hopefully I will be in the position to offer you something one day.

ebay shop

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

The new job, ebay and planetsms

The new job is going fine albeit slow. After years of people asking me this, that and whatever, I am now learning new things and I have walk before I can run.

The internet marketing ideas that I have will and are progressing. The ebay business is once again letting me learn the ropes before I open an shop and hopefully progress further. I ahve read anothe report that it can take up to 2 years to really make money. That I feel is ok

One question I have read a few reports that you must open a shop, other saying only open a shop if you if you are turning over $£X amount everyweek or month.

What do you think is the correct thing to do?

To everyone who reads this and has visited me on ebay and either browsed or bought I thank you once again.

To any body else to enable me to reach my goals please visit. Once I open my shop I will start selling ebooks.

Threre is son much to learn from planetsms. It is the only online site on ebooks that I really trust.