
eSources UK Wholesale Directory

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Job Situation

Still slow, However I am a lot happier now that I know that I am at least permanent.

What a pain that Ebay has stopped digital downloads I had just about got myself set up to finally move into ebooks and they stopped them.

Yes I now there are still ways around it. However this is a minor set back and all I must do is re calculate how I am going to move into ebooks and then strike.

Monday, 7 April 2008

Job Situation

Finally just over one year from placed on the redeployment list I have a new job. It also took my salary dept 10 months to sort out and get my salary correct. 2 goods things in 2 weeks. The job isn't as high a salary as my previous position however at least it's full time and permanent.

I just need now to undertake all the necessary training and I can then apply outside for a new job in other company who will pay me more.

My ebay shop is slowing taking off and generating sales . If I can keep the steady trade that I have already started to receive and slowly progress I will be more than happy.